Apply for your Licence Online
We know many of our clients have been rightfully frustrated by the long processing times over at the Canadian Firearms Program (the RCMP folks who review applications and issue PAL/RPALs). Some people have been lucky to be processed in just a few months, while others have been waiting up to a year.
What’s going on?
FSESO (The Firearms Safety Education Service of Ontario) recently advised that about 60% of licence applications are missing information. Making a mistake can push your application’s processing time to as long as 18 months! So, don’t make a mistake!
Use The Guide
The Licence Application Guide can help you fill out the tough spots on the application. But hey if you’re reading this you’re probably not in the group sending off your important government applications half complete!
Applying Online - YES DO IT!
The RCMP launched online licence applications for the first time late in 2022. We didn’t initially have high hopes the process was stable… but from testing it ourselves, and talking with our clients who’ve used it, we can confirm it’s fast and relatively easy - maybe easier for some than a paper application.
Our clients among the first to use the online application system are getting their licences MUCH faster than those who’ve mailed them in. How much faster? 6 months faster by our estimate.
Why? We don’t know. It could be an online application is more likely to be complete without mistakes, or it could be internal resource allocation reasons. For now, we’d strongly suggest applying online.
I’m still waiting, what do I do?
If you're one of those still waiting at the 7-10 months mark after mailing off your application, we advise you call the Canadian Firearms Program (RCMP). Ask for an update on your application’s status and if there are any errors you can resolve. We don't suggest waiting for the RCMP to send it back to you. Try to be proactive and ensure they have all information they need.
But remenber, be cool... DON’T call them to pressure them or ask for faster processing. They don’t like it — it’s not a winning strategy for you. They’re busy and understaffed. Being nice goes a long way. Only call them if you think there’s a problem.
Call them at 1-800-731-4000 and listen to the prompts from there.
Other common reasons for delays is references who aren’t responding to the RCMP — so check with your references — billing errors, and answers to screening questions which require more follow up from the RCMP.
Good luck!
The good news is — no matter how long you wait for your licence — you’re probably better looking than this guy.