Payment processing is exciting now!
No, it's really not… but we got all nerdy about it recently because we heard from so many customers they wanted debit, and debit just isn't very friendly with online payment processing… so we've changed it up!
Our new processor provided slick new terminals so we can take your course fee when you arrive on location. Now, when you book online all we do is validate your card, then at the start of the course you can choose to pay with Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and Debit with chip and tap.
Basically we take most cards, but no, not cash. It's too old school for us - keep that in your money pouch for a rainy day!
Now one thing that could be confusing as we transition to this new system: those of you who booked courses with us before August 1st have paid a deposit. We'll try to make sure (but will appreciate a friendly reminder) to deduct the deposit from the balance due at the start of the course.
Finally - we're very sad to announce we don't in fact accept Bitcoin or Etherium. Maybe one day… but not yet! ;)
Money Pouch
c. 1839
Engraved by V. S. Aksolsky (Russian, active c. 1839)