We'd Like To Learn About You!
Range Arts is only a few years old — and that half the life of our business was a global pandemic! Nevertheless we’ve trained nearly 6,000 people. Now we’re ready to do more!
We’re actively developing new courses. We’ve recently brought aboard new talent to help us. But we want to learn more about you and your shooting journey.
Maybe you’re an avid hunter now. Or you’re winning IPSC competitions! We don’t know! And we’d like to change that.
The survey below will take you 5 minutes to complete and will help us craft new courses and services.
We won’t share your response with anyone. It’s just for Range Arts. You’re welcome to stay anonymous, but leave us your name and email and you’ll be entered into a draw for prizes (5 cleaning kits valued at about $120, and more!).
Thank you in advance for your support!
Combined Axe-Flintlock Gun-Dagger, Made 1660–1680